NN being ported to other engines?

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Joined: 13 Aug 2023 21:38

NN being ported to other engines?

Post by Alatriste »


I'm sure by now, we've all heard the news about Unity and its new pricing model. Godot is emerging as a promising alternative for those who want to avoid unexpected changes in Unity's business model and we might consider other alternatives if possible. My question is quite straightforward:

Have the developers of NN considered exploring other options? How about the possibility of porting NN to more developer-friendly engines available? I understand that migrating NN to different engines may pose challenges, but I'm interested in hearing the developers' perspectives on this matter.

Thank you!

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Re: NN being ported to other engines?

Post by Elringus »

We've discussed that on Discord in details. Here's my take in a nutshell: Godot has potential, but even in best case scenario it'd take it years to get to Unity level. It lacks platform support, asset store, rendering features, debug, ci and analytic tools, etc. Also, being open source doesn't guarantee anything. They can change the license at any time by forking and start monetizing the access at any point. Basically, Unity will remain the best option for most indie/small projects in the near future. For the time being, my effort will remain on developing portable core and standalone web runtime, so that Naninovel is not dependent on any game engine. After that, I'll look into either upgrading Unity integration or switching to another engine.

Posts: 11
Joined: 13 Aug 2023 21:38

Re: NN being ported to other engines?

Post by Alatriste »

Thanks for your answer!

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