
General development topics: using various Unity tools, publishing games, etc.
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Post by Zyacat »

I use Naninovel and Playmaker for my game.
I have scenes with Naninovel and scenes without Naninovel (Interface Scenes).
My problem is that Naninovel<Runtime> follow me from Naninovel scenes to Interface Scenes.
I checked the box : Scene Independent, but Naninovel<Runtime> is here and give me a second Event systems in the scene. If I disable Scene Independent, I have an error :
MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'CGGalleryGridSlot' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it.
I know how begin a Novel in Naninovel scenes but I don’t know how finish Naninovel in Interface Scenes.
I try Stop Script Playback (in Playmaker), but nothing happened. I believe I don’t know how to use it.
How I could disable Naninovel<Runtime> when I enter in a New Scene (in a Interface Scene), please ?

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Joined: 11 May 2020 18:03

Re: Naninovel<Runtime>

Post by Elringus »

Hi, To completely remove Naninovel from memory (and destroy Naninovel<Runtime> game object), invoke Engine.Destroy().

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