Sorry this is not about Live2D. What we want to achieve is adding backgrounds, audio, and characters via addressables. Yes we know we can access these assets via addressable and c#, but we cannot use them and call them in nani script... apparently we need to add these in the Editor manually before we can use them. So my question is, can we add these assets in the Naninovel engine dynamically through code? We are using stories/ books which is saved as nani scripts. However as the user progresses, it would be nice if we can add assets at runtime without using the Nani editor, this way we can avoid releasing apk or ipa updates.
It would be so heavy for the application to include all assets in a build, so a staggered approach in loading these assets as the user progresses the game would be the way to go. Unfortunately we do not know how to use these assets (which were not added in the Naninovel Editor) and integrate it in Naninovel at runtime.
Hope this clarifies my question. So is this doable with the curernt Nani version we have - v1.14b?