Publishing to Steam

General development topics: using various Unity tools, publishing games, etc.
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Joined: 09 Oct 2022 11:52

Publishing to Steam

Post by Orenn16 »

Hello! I recently finished the creation of my game in Unity using Naninovel and the process was pretty dang smooth. Loved it! However, I've now joined the Steam developer program and sownloaded their SDK but my lack of coding knowledge is stopping me from getting this thing across the finish line. I tried searching these forums but couldn't find what I was looking for, so I thought I'd ask; is there any kind of walkthrough on steam development? Just where to put some of their lines of code for their API and what not within Naninovel's code?

I use Naninovel to fill the gaps in my very limited coding knowledge, so sadly I'm hitting a bit of a wall with the Steam stuff now. Any help or direction to resources would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much in advance!

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Joined: 01 Aug 2020 08:25

Re: Publishing to Steam

Post by idaot »

Publishing games on Steam shouldn't require any coding knowledge, I've passed my builds to people who have no programming background and they have managed to publish it with no issue. However, if you need any Steam features implemented into the game such as achievements then you need some programming knowledge. Achievements can be implemented into the game through custom commands ( ... m-commands), there are plenty of guides on the internet on how to call the unlocking action and it's just a matter of combining it with the custom command wrapper that Naninovel provides in the aforementioned guide.

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