Is there a way to change the navigation key?

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Is there a way to change the navigation key?

Post by booksuny »

I'm trying to control the UI with keyboard WASD.

Arrowkey is assigned by default in NaniNovel, is there a way to change this to WASD?

I have another question.

I'm trying to use the Focus Object feature to select a button.

What I want is, when the UI is called, button A is selected among A, B, C buttons, and in this state, pressing the keyboard moves the selection from B to C.

However, when I choose Navigation in Focus Mode, even if button A is already selected, it gets selected again and doesn't produce the desired result.

If I choose Visibility, the keyboard is not responsive.

I temporarily solved this problem by giving focus to button B as a workaround, but this method seems to have many issues.

Is there a solution?

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Joined: 01 Aug 2020 08:25

Re: Is there a way to change the navigation key?

Post by idaot »

WASD keys are managed under Unity's own Input Manager/new Input System. To properly navigate the menus/choices, you'll need the new Input System. Also make sure you're using the latest 1.18 as there were changes made to navigation.

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Re: Is there a way to change the navigation key?

Post by booksuny »

Thank you for your answer.

I checked the version, and I'm already using 1.18.
Is there any other way?

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Re: Is there a way to change the navigation key?

Post by idaot »

I don't have this issue when focusing the default choices in ButtonList. If you are using a Custom Choice Handler and choice buttons then try comparing their settings with the built-in options. There is an Input System example project where the navigation works ( ... put-system) although be aware that you need to migrate the UI action map in Unity's generated InputAction module to the action map you assign in Naninovel's Input Actions field in order to be able to modify both Naninovel and UI bindings.

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Re: Is there a way to change the navigation key?

Post by idaot »

My bad, there was a bug associated with Visibility mode in 1.18. It has now been fixed and the package can be downloaded in the Discord channel.

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