Id like to use below command at C#Script
@goto Script001.AfterStorm
I dont find how to describe ?????
var Goto = new Goto { Path = "????" };
Id like to use below command at C#Script
@goto Script001.AfterStorm
I dont find how to describe ?????
var Goto = new Goto { Path = "????" };
It's exactly how you would specify a path in @goto, e.g Script001.AfterStorm.
var Goto = new Goto { Path = "Script001.AfterStorm" };
"Script001.AfterStorm" CS0029 Error
Do I need more command to use ?
My bad, it should be a NamedString and not a string, you can create one on the stop with new NamedString(scriptName, label).
It worked Thank you so much!!!
var aaa = new NamedString("Script001", "AfterStorm")
var Goto = new Goto { Path = aaa };