Add Confirmation UI on EXIT (Android Support)
Hello, I think I will add my script here so I can find it easily and not being removed again by a virus or accidentally formated by my HDD.
This script will add confirmation UI on exit. Support the back button on Android which makes a player can exit while playing a script.
How? Attached the TitleExitButton below to ExitButton on TitleUI prefab and disable/remove the original TitleExitButton (Script).
Where to save? I think, save to any folder should works.
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using Naninovel;
using Naninovel.UI;
using UnityEngine;
public class TitleExitButton : ScriptableButton
public static string TitleExitConfirmation = "";
private IUIManager uIManager;
private IConfirmationUI confirmationUI;
protected override void Awake()
uIManager = Engine.GetService<IUIManager>();
protected override void Start()
confirmationUI = uIManager.GetUI<IConfirmationUI>();
protected override void OnButtonClick()
private async void ExitGameAsync()
if (!await confirmationUI.ConfirmAsync(TitleExitConfirmation)) return;
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer)
else Application.Quit();
protected override void Update()
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
// Check if Back was pressed this frame
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
// Quit the application
private async void BackButton()
if (!await confirmationUI.ConfirmAsync(TitleExitConfirmation)) return;
Custom Confirmation Text
I use custom managed text for text confirmation. You can see there is empty string on TitleExitConfirmation.
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public static string TitleExitConfirmation = "";
Just make a new managed text on your managed text folder > Right Click > Create > Naninovel > Managed Text then write this inside.
TitleExitButton.TitleExitConfirmation: Exit Game?
Naninovel will generate the string itself of 'Exit Game?'.