Markdown and syntax highlighting

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Posts: 541
Joined: 11 May 2020 18:03

Markdown and syntax highlighting

Post by Elringus »

It's possible to use markdown when posting on this forum; it allows to format the text, insert links, images, quotes, tables and code snippets.

Some examples:

Text style*italic* **bold** ~~strikethrough~~italic bold strikethrough
HyperlinkCheck our [website]( our website.
Pre-formatted textUse the `@camera` command.Use the @camera command.
Header# Chapter 1Chapter 1

To insert a block of nani script with syntax highlighting:

Code: Select all

# Label
; Comment
@command parameter:value
Generic text [i].

— will result in:

Code: Select all

# Label
; Comment
@command parameter:value
Generic text [i].

It's also possible to highlight other code this way, eg for C#:

Code: Select all

var foo = Bar();

— will result in:

Code: Select all

var foo = Bar();

To insert a YouTube video (text inside the tags is the video ID):

Code: Select all


— will result in:

Find more examples on the help page: app.php/help/markdown
