Cinenovel - Unity Timeline for Naninovel

Posted: 21 May 2024 17:49
by Restush

CINENOVEL (Unity Timeline for Naninovel)




Play a timeline.

Code: Select all

@cine LoremIpsum

Play a timeline without waiting.

Code: Select all

@cine LoremIpsum wait:false

Play a timeline at start specific time.

Code: Select all

@cine LoremIpsum startTime:1.5

Play a timeline with allowed input that can be triggered while playing timeline.

Code: Select all

@cine LoremIpsum allowedSampler:Continue,Pause,Rollback

Play multiple timeline at same time.

Code: Select all

@cine LoremIpsum1 wait:false
@cine LoremIpsum2 wait:false
@cine LoremIpsum3 wait:false
@wait 20


Re: Cinenovel - Unity Timeline for Naninovel

Posted: 17 Oct 2024 07:47
by vinunim

First of all, thank you for uploading the source code.
I'm inquiring because an error has occurred.

In JumpNextLine.cs

Can't resolve symbol 'Resume'

Re: Cinenovel - Unity Timeline for Naninovel

Posted: 27 Oct 2024 20:50
by Restush

First of all, thank you for uploading the source code.

you're welcome!

In JumpNextLine.cs

Can't resolve symbol 'Resume'

I'm not really sure. What's your Naninovel version and Unity version?
Current Cinenovel is for Naninovel 1.20 2024-08-11