Help with Script and Spawn

Posted: 07 May 2024 17:31
by Eloy_Vecino

Hi! Im an amateur trying to use aninovel for my final degree project and I'm having some problems I can't solve.

I've got this script:
@back studio
@bgm Destiny

" "
@spawn ShakeCamera

@char Doll.dollneutral


@spawn DigitalGlitch

"¿Debería llamar a un médico?"

"Te has caído tan fuerte que has roto hasta la cámara, espera que lo arregle"

"Listo, ya está solucionado."

{PlayerName}: ...

"¡Oh! ¡Por fin despiertas! Me tenías muy preocupada ¿sabes? De pronto caiste desde el cielo y te quedaste más tieso que el pan de ayer"

@char Doll.dollhappy
Maizuru: ¿Y tú quién eres? ¿Cómo has terminado aquí?
"Deja que me presente, soy Maizuru pero mis amigos me llaman Mai así que tú puedes llamarme Maizuru"

@choice "Decirle tu nombre" goto:Esecena1OpcionA

@choice "No decirle tu nombre" goto:Esecena1OpcionB

My problem is that DigitalGlitch is never showing on screen and I don't know why. But i have more problems with spawn because if i change @spawn ShakeCamera for @spawn Rain, rain won't show either, but i can use @spawn Rain in others scripts. And if I change @spawn DigitalGlitch for @spawn Snow, snow appears but if I change @spawn ShakeCamera for @spawn Snow it wont show snow. So Spawn is only working when it wants and showing the effect that it wants.

My problem is that spwan only works sometimes and i don't know how to use it properly

I don't really know if i had explained the problem correctly