Need help with custom UI element (passive panel with progress bars)

Posted: 30 Jul 2020 19:00
by Steamlynx

Hello, Naninovel Novel Makers!

Can you please help me with custom UI Element?

I'm trying to create a passive non-clickable interface object that will show four progress bars, depending on the value of the variables.

I have 4 variables:
@set goodAnswers=0
@set badAnswers=0
@set specialAnswers=0
@set countAnswers=0

And create a prefab:

My idea is to create the required number of image-elements inside prefab and activate the next element at the moment when the variable takes on the next value. For example, on my screenshot, shown 2 active elemets - susp_e1 and susp_e2. This should be the case when badAnswers = 2.

Maybe there is an easier way to do this task. But I didn’t come up with that.
Can you tell me how to implement this logic inside the Naninovel?
