From Tyrano, big project

Posted: 06 Dec 2023 21:35
by squidslinger

We've used Tyrano for years but with Strikeworks abandoning it and the Russian Effector not really there yet, we're at an decision moment between Renpy and another option for a second title and likely to redo our original. Nani seems decent despite the price compared to Tyrano. I like the benefits of working with Unity for porting and such. However, I see this hasn't been updated in a year so that is concerning. Unless there isn't much left to do?

Important factors for me is:

-DLCs, can it do them?
-Learning curve and is it quicker than Renpy? Comparison to Tyrano?
-Major issues, what are there? (Tyrano has had a save file issue since the beginning that they never fixed but promised to)

Want flexibility and speed of development. Renpy has the flexibility but not the speed. However, it does have a very healthy community and gets updated frequently.

Re: From Tyrano, big project

Posted: 06 Dec 2023 22:36
by Elringus

Naninovel is updated regularly, last patch was just yesterday. Major releases are annual; here's video with the recap of a recent one: We're not updating the package on the Asset Store regularly, though (it only gets final releases once a year). Latest updates are distributed on Discord.

  • DLCs can be implemented, though Naninovel doesn't provide anything special to bootstrap the process; it's all on the Unity side (eg, asset bundles/addressables). Here's an example project on using addressable with Naninovel where resources for multiple episodes/DLCs are split between bundles and are loaded independently:
  • Never used either, but I'd imagine it's the opposite, as you have to use Unity/C#
  • Issues are usually resolved in 1-2 days when they're on our side; when it's something Unity-related, it could take months or even years. Though I'm not aware of any such issues related to VNs, other than the one:

Re: From Tyrano, big project

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 11:02
by squidslinger

That's good to see. This gives me more to consider. Thanks!