How do I view the other items inside the menu?
Posted: 02 Sep 2023 15:35
by endlessmidnightmoon
I'm really confused by the lack of any ability to view or check my menu or to add CG Gallery, as well as Tips. I can see it inside the scene but not inside the game.
Here's the inspector menu that I have, I don't know what is it that I need to click to activate the Interaction?
Re: How do I add a tip?
Posted: 02 Sep 2023 16:11
by endlessmidnightmoon
Update, I think I know why, as I need to add a tip to the menu, however, I'm not sure where I need to add the tips to, specifically, I think I'm missing the file structure in particular, and I figured that I could have added a new folder into the Resources folder within Naninovel, and inside Naninovel, and create a Text folder, as I was under the impression that it would be provided.
Re: How do I view the other items inside the menu?
Posted: 03 Sep 2023 10:24
by idaot
We ask you to not modify the Naninovel folder, as it could break the plugin and make recovery and updating difficult. Instead, place the Resources under Assets for instance, and in case of tips, you need to place the Tips.txt file in Resources/Naninovel/Text/ folder.
As for the buttons, the following is outlined in the guide:
When there is at least one CG item added to any of the sources (no matter the unlocked state), CG GALLERY button will appear in the title menu allowing to access the CG Gallery browser.
When there is at least one tip record in the Tips.txt managed text document, "TIPS" button will appear in the main menu and control panels, leading to the tips browser.
Since not everyone will use these features, the buttons are deactivated by default.