About implementing gaze tracking for Live2D models

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About implementing gaze tracking for Live2D models

Post by mmn61 »

I'm using naninovel to implement mouse-based gaze tracking on a Live2D model in Unity, but it's not working properly. I've attached the LookController to the root of the model, assigned LookParameters to the appropriate parameters, attached the LookTarget script to an empty child object, and set it as the Target of the controller. I've also followed the steps shown in the official video by adding a Live2D controller to the model prefab, but the gaze tracking is not working. Why is this happening? When I run the game, a generated object with the LookTarget script, called LookTarget, is attached from the naninovel side. What is the purpose of this object? I'm using reliable naninovel components for the camera and other elements.

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Post by mmn61 »


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Joined: 01 Aug 2020 08:25

Re: About implementing gaze tracking for Live2D models

Post by idaot »

LookTarget is for the look parameter in @char command (https://naninovel.com/api/#char) and you need to disable Control Look in the Live 2D controller script or otherwise the look behaviour will be controlled by Naninovel.

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