Make text clickable using command inlining

Posted: 20 Dec 2022 09:58
by Jura17

Hi guys,
I'm currently working on the concepts for a small mobile app project and just stumbled across Naninovel. After reading in the docs I was wondering if it is technically possible to make words inside dialogs clickable, for example to show popups.

An example would be that the character who is talking uses some medical or technical terms, which might be unknown to the player. Therefore I'd like to show a hint/popup when the player klicks on that word.

Would you use command inlining for that? It's fine if it requires some custom scripting but I thought there might be an inbuilt-feature for that purpose.

Re: Make text clickable using command inlining

Posted: 20 Dec 2022 12:12
by idaot

Re: Make text clickable using command inlining

Posted: 20 Dec 2022 13:12
by Jura17

Thank you idaot, that helps a lot!