Question about @clearChoice error.

Posted: 01 Nov 2022 13:57
by booksuny

Hello. I am making QTE using the transparent option button.

Code: Select all

; This is a transparent button. Not visible to the user.
@if QTE=="up"
    @choice "W" button:MapButtons/att_UP_alpha0 pos:0,0 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_succ
    @choice "A" button:MapButtons/att_Left_alpha0 pos:-500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
    @choice "S" button:MapButtons/att_Down_alpha0 pos:-500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
    @choice "D" button:MapButtons/att_Right_alpha0 pos:500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
@elseIf QTE=="left"
    @choice "W" button:MapButtons/att_UP_alpha0 pos:0,0 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
    @choice "A" button:MapButtons/att_Left_alpha0 pos:-500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_succ
    @choice "S" button:MapButtons/att_Down_alpha0 pos:-500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
    @choice "D" button:MapButtons/att_Right_alpha0 pos:500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
@elseIf QTE=="down"
    @choice "W" button:MapButtons/att_UP_alpha0 pos:0,0 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
    @choice "A" button:MapButtons/att_Left_alpha0 pos:-500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
    @choice "S" button:MapButtons/att_Down_alpha0 pos:-500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_succ
    @choice "D" button:MapButtons/att_Right_alpha0 pos:500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
@elseIf QTE=="right"
    @choice "W" button:MapButtons/att_UP_alpha0 pos:0,0 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
    @choice "A" button:MapButtons/att_Left_alpha0 pos:-500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
    @choice "S" button:MapButtons/att_Down_alpha0 pos:-500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_fail
    @choice "D" button:MapButtons/att_Right_alpha0 pos:500,-100 handler:ButtonArea goto:.QTE_att_succ

@wait 1

@goto .QTE_att_fail


However, the following error occurs in the @clearChoice part:

Naninovel script battlegame at line #161: Failed to clear ButtonList choice handler: handler actor with the provided ID doesn't exist.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])

I went through the manual and searched for forums, but I couldn't figure out a solution.
Is there a solution?

Re: Question about @clearChoice error.

Posted: 01 Nov 2022 14:02
by idaot

It's stated in the @clearChoice guide ( that if no handlerId is specified in the command, it will grab the default handler specified in the Choice Handlers configuration, which is ButtonList by default.