I have a question about Choice Button!

Posted: 24 Oct 2022 07:30
by booksuny

I made Choice Button to make a map move button. I changed the text inside to Home without touching anything.

After that, I placed the buttons according to the manual and ran the game.

But I can't see the text inside the button. It just looks like a black square square.

Is there a way to solve this symptom?

Code: Select all

# Map
@back Map
@choice handler:ButtonArea button:MapButtons/Home pos:-300,-300 goto:.HomeScene

# HomeScene
@back Home
Home, sweet home!
@goto .Map

Re: I have a question about Choice Button!

Posted: 24 Oct 2022 14:26
by idaot

You don't have a choice summary in your @choice parameter, which in the default case will show up on the button (https://naninovel.com/api/#choice) If you don't want the text to be changed from within naniscript, remove the attached function in the On Summary Text Changed event found in the root of the button prefab.