A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:25

I had some questions when trying out naninovel

1.The typewriter effect stop working when I change font("Electronic Highway Sign" in TMPro examples) ,is there any setting I missed?

2.How to keep the line height unchanged when using ruby text? set <line-height> tag manually in the begining will help but it is hard to set auto back when I use other style effects

3.I downloaded the demo, and it will run automatically when I run any scene, how to stop this?

4.When setting character position, is there any default positions(like lborder left middle right rborder), this will type easier than numbers

5.Can we make parallel conversation? when main characters are talking, several guys talking in the background with another printer, they maybe uncontrolable, just automatically play, like a radio.

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:38
by Elringus


  1. Make sure to apply an appropriate shader to the font material; see the guide for more info: https://naninovel.com/guide/text-printe ... xtmesh-pro
  2. Not sure, try asking on TMPro forums.
  3. You can disable auto initialization in the engine config: https://naninovel.com/guide/engine-arch ... ndependent
  4. 0 is the left border, 100 is the right. 50 is the middle
  5. You can show multiple text printers with @printer command: https://naninovel.com/api/#printer

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:11


  1. I think this is a useful function. Like a parameter of pos, then when a pos is need to change, we can just edit once, not all the text

  2. I am thinking about 2 conversation running at the same time, like player talk to NPC1,while NPC2 talk to NPC3, they can be both auto or controlled, maybe by different key press. Sounds like very useless, just my courious and suggestion

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 14 Jul 2020 13:31
by Elringus
  1. Not sure what you mean.
  2. Maybe I don't get what you mean, but, as I've mentioned previously, showing multiple printers (and printing to them) is already possible.

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 14 Jul 2020 14:04
  1. For example, during a whole project, I may set character stand at (25, 0) hundreds of times, but when I decide to let it be (30, 0), it's difficult to make the change. If left(25, 0) is a position parameter, all the setting in scrpit is pos:left, not pos(25, 0), then I just need to change it to left(30, 0)

  2. Imagine multiple printers, each of them runs a script automatically at the same time. Sounds very chaos...

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 14 Jul 2020 14:19
by Elringus
  1. You can either use poses (https://naninovel.com/guide/characters.html#poses) or assign the position to a custom variable (https://naninovel.com/guide/custom-vari ... -variables)

  2. Not sure what you mean by printer running a script. Printers print text messages. You can print to multiple printers simultaneously like this:

    Code: Select all

    @print "Text to print for the first printer." printer:Printer1 wait:false
    @print "Another text to print for the second printer." printer:Printer2 default:false 

wait:false will allow to execute second print command without waiting for the first one (so both printers will start printing simultaneously).
default:false will prevent Printer2 from becoming the default printer and hiding the first one.

It's not very convenient to always specify wait and default commands, so if you want to do stuff like that often, consider adding a custom command: https://naninovel.com/guide/custom-commands

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:04
  1. Custom variable suits the need. By the way, how to use it for multiple dimensions? as it is not a integer(like PlayerYPosition). I saw in the guide that there is a pos"75, 0" in the picture, how to properly use it?

  2. I made a small video about how it looks like, it is a "Dialogue System" example(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN890Fa0Eg8)

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:23
by Elringus
  1. @set pos=45,2,3
  2. You can do that in the way I've described above.

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 12:41
  1. Then how to use the variable to set character pos?

5.I still think that's a little different. Although the way you described can perform a 2 group talking, but it is still one scenario that follw one scipt to execute if my understanding is right.

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 15 Jul 2020 13:55
  1. I tried the variable and found that the right syntax is
    @set pos="45,2,3"
    Then the position setting works properly

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:55
by Elringus
  1. My bad, forgot about the quotes
  2. Take a look at: https://naninovel.com/guide/user-interf ... nity-event Alternatively, you can play a script additively via C#.

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:48
  1. That seems like a insert, not parallel. The effect I mean is like, in the integration demo, when we are controlling Kohaku to move around, Yuko and NaniKun is talking in auto mode. When we go to talk to Misaki with another printer, no matter we click our conversation fast or slow, Yuko and NaniKun is still talking undisturbed.
    This is not a quite good conversation design, mostly I may pause the former talking in practice. The only use in my mind now is a radio repeating news during a conversation

  2. Is there a way to skip the effects? When an effect is running, the next click will let it jump to finish

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 17 Jul 2020 15:30
by Elringus

What kind of effect you mean?

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 17 Jul 2020 15:57

character move, fade, background transition, etc. Almost all the effects that has a duration to finish

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 17 Jul 2020 16:26
by Elringus

You can set the duration with time parameter and let them run in parallel with wait:false.

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:35

But the effect dosen't finish. I mean like the typewriter in text, when player click a button, the whole text will reveal. For example, there is a background slidein taking 3 seconds, when I click at 1 second, the background will finish transition.

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:44
by Elringus

Ah, now I see what you mean. It's possible to skip (or rather fast-forward) routines like that by activating skip mode. Continue input won't affect them and that is by design; such effects are usually meaningful for the presentation and you don't want players to accidentally skip them. If you still wish to implement something like that, I'd suggest the following:

Code: Select all

; Start some long-running routine
@camera offset:3 time:10 wait:false
; Wait for either 10 seconds or user input to continue
@wait i10
; Continue 

Alternatively, you can make use of custom commands, which will break (complete instantly) on player input.

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:37

Your suggestion works in

@back Forest.SlideIn time:3 wait:false
@wait i3
;this is a test.
@back Desert.SlideIn time:3 wait:false

But not working in

@back Forest.SlideIn time:3 wait:false
@wait i3
this is a test.
@back Desert.SlideIn time:3 wait:false

the continue input will trigger "this is a test.", did I missed something?

Re: A few questions and suggestion

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:48
by Elringus

That was a bug, thanks for letting me know! Updated package with the fix is available on Naninovel's Discord (via pinned message in #support channel).