TexturePacker sprite sheets with Naninovel?

Posted: 17 Feb 2022 19:12
by RCBrickz


We've been using TexturePacker: https://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker to create sprite sheets for our character animations.

Is it possible to use the sliced sprites from those sprite sheets as a resource for Naninovel characters?

We're aware that diced sprites is an option mentioned in the documentation. But we would like to know if TexturePacker can be used with Naninovel, since we're using a custom method to animate the characters used by Naninovel.


Re: TexturePacker sprite sheets with Naninovel?

Posted: 17 Feb 2022 19:47
by Elringus

Hi, I'm not familiar with TexturePacker, but if it produces something, that can be rendered with Unity's SpriteRenderer, you can use it with Naninovel's layered characters. Otherwise, you can use either generic or custom character implementations.