No longer moving to my script from title
Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:33
by AmberRose
It's been working perfectly fine for days. recently I started importing the map and inventory extensions, but assume they didn't cause the issue. I've also renamed a single nani script, and updated all of its references. However, when I start the game now, I press new game and it says it's reached the end of my script. There's no way it shot through my entire naninovel script and got nothing from it
Re: No longer moving to my script from title
Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:18
by idaot
You can check via debug which script you are playing: ... ipts-debug
Check that the Start Game scipt is correct: ... ty-project
And make sure the script has been assigned to the Scripts resources in Naninovel's configuration.
It is not recommended to import the example projects into another project in full as they will override NaninovelData which stores all configuration data.
Re: No longer moving to my script from title
Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:48
by AmberRose
Thank you, the script is definitely set as the start game script, but I'll see if the debug helps as I didn't know I could do that. It is likely due to putting in the other projects. Luckily I was only working on a test project to be sure I understood all of the functions, but I'm hoping I can sort through exactly what happened before starting a new project, that way I can know how to fix it if I mess up a future project the same way. Is there a way to override the data to the previous/ more up to date data that I was using?
Re: No longer moving to my script from title
Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:20
by idaot
It's only possible via backup. It's generally a good idea to keep backups for any important projects.
Re: No longer moving to my script from title
Posted: 24 Jan 2022 15:37
by AmberRose
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for the future.