UI Design + Naninovel Implementation
Posted: 24 Aug 2021 03:24
I'm temporarily opening up slots for a full GUI set with full Naninovel coding.
Screens included:
- Main Menu
- Textbox
- Preferences
- Choices
- Yes/No
- Save/Load
- History
- Gallery
- Credits
(any of these screens can be swapped out for something else if needed). Price is $395, non-negotiable, includes 2 free major revisions and unlimited minor revisions. Payment only on completion (I will send you a video of proof) and turnaround time is 2 weeks.
(Click for full preview)
More examples: https://www.behance.net/collection/1811 ... -Interface
Code: Select all
- What game engine are you using? (since you are on this forum I assume it is Naninovel)
- What is the screen resolution?
- Give me a short synopsis of the game, including genre, main themes, and setting.
- Will you be using side sprite(s)? If so, please send it for mockup purposes. Here's an example of a side sprite: https://u.cubeupload.com/foleso/Sideimageexample.png
- Any specific font/color/symbol requests? I generally use my own discretion for these, but sometimes people have a specific font or hex code they want used.
- I'd like a single sprite and a single BG for mockup purposes.
You can either email me the details at contact@foleso.com or foleso#2275. Thank you.