day planner

Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:53
by chaoticasme

So i just bought naninovel, i like it so far, but I think having a day planner, with locations, and time of day built-in would be a good idea. also having the option of when and were character will be would be good.

Re: day planner

Posted: 23 Jun 2020 13:58
by Elringus

Hi, I'm glad you like Naninovel! The features you've described are indeed could be useful in some cases, but they are very "personal" to the projects; I'm not sure they can be made generic enough to be useful for most users and project types. That said, take a look at the example UI project; it has a custom calendar UI, which is implemented without any C# coding. You may find it useful when creating your custom UIs for the time of day and others.