Fullscreen Printer flashes top half of entire line of text before printing

Posted: 18 May 2021 11:58
by Stellar


When I use the Fullscreen Printer with Auto Reset turned off, the top half of each line of text flashes on the screen for a split second before the line prints out normally. Any idea how to fix this? (Both Naninovel default & TMPro versions have this issue)

Thank you!

Re: Fullscreen Printer flashes top half of entire line of text before printing

Posted: 18 May 2021 12:00
by Stellar

FYI I see this error in the log, but not sure if it's related...

ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
Naninovel.UI.RevealableTMProText.OnDisable () (at Assets/Naninovel/Runtime/UI/TextPrinter/RevealableTMProText.cs:172)

ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
Naninovel.UI.RevealableTMProText.OnEnable () (at Assets/Naninovel/Runtime/UI/TextPrinter/RevealableTMProText.cs:166)

Re: Fullscreen Printer flashes top half of entire line of text before printing

Posted: 18 May 2021 12:45
by idaot

Hi, if using an older version of Naninovel I suggest updating to v1.15.1 as there was a problem with printers flashing during the first line print. If the problem persists then try adjusting the Change Visibility Duration in the printer config.

As for your second issue, unfortunately UGUI has a regression that causes cache conflicts so this is very common especially when you enter play mode with a UI prefab open. You can fix it usually by re-importing the Naninovel folder within Assets (right click -> Re-import)

Re: Fullscreen Printer flashes top half of entire line of text before printing

Posted: 19 May 2021 01:28
by Stellar

Thanks, but the problem persists. I think it's something related to Alignment in "Revealable UI Text (Script)". See screenshot: https://imgur.com/Hgp3tjA

The problem happens when I try to align the text in the center of the screen or bottom. And in this situation, I need the text to be in the center. It's a quote showing at the beginning of the game.

Re: Fullscreen Printer flashes top half of entire line of text before printing

Posted: 19 May 2021 10:08
by idaot

Please share a reproduction project with us (https://naninovel.com/support/#reproduction-project) by registering your copy and PMing us on Discord (https://naninovel.com/support/#naninovel-support)