Hide particle system when pause menu is not active

Posted: 15 Feb 2021 19:24
by juan.delcastillo

I've created a custom pause menu that has a particle system. When the game starts, almost every pause UI element is hidden, except for the particle system. Is it possible to play the particle system only when the pause menu is on screen?

Re: Hide particle system when pause menu is not active

Posted: 16 Feb 2021 11:15
by idaot

Consider using the On Show() and On Hide() events of the Custom UI script to play and stop the particle system accordingly. If you need a bit more control then I suggest creating a custom command and access the UI via the IUIManager engine service.

Here's an example of a custom UI with the behaviour I specified above:

More information on Custom Commands: https://naninovel.com/guide/custom-comm ... m-commands
More information on Engine Services: https://naninovel.com/guide/engine-serv ... e-services

Re: Hide particle system when pause menu is not active

Posted: 17 Feb 2021 11:07
by juan.delcastillo

Thank you, it worked