Looking for Naninovel Developer to create Menu Focus Manager for Console Gamepads

Posted: 29 May 2020 02:52
by veldonlives


I'm looking for a Naninovel dev to help make Naninovel play nice with consoles & gamepads, ideally in association with the ReWired Unity asset.

The big picture is that we want writers to focus on writing - Naninovel is good at that, with a custom script language that a writer can learn. But we've had trouble figuring out gamepad support (because we are only moderately familiar with the Unity UI system).

So, the main thing I need is for someone to build an asset that can sit outside of Naninovel as a sort of configurable "Focus Manager" such that (1) navigating menus can work with a gamepad's need for Focus or Custom Button Binding (2) the Rewired asset can be used as the Input system (3) you'll be able to teach me how to setup your Focus Manager to work with a custom UI

The reason we'd like for the asset to sit outside of Naninovel (rather than tweak its internal functioning) is so that we can benefit from all the great upgrades that Elringus keeps sending the community's way.

If you're interested, let us know your budget by sending me a message on Discord at veldonlives#2815.

