Require points to print text

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Require points to print text

Post by Elringus »

Apparently, a type of free-to-play mobile games, where player can spend points to continue reading a story are becoming popular.

This extension shows an example of a custom engine service, which tracks a global g_points custom variable, reducing it each time a print command is executed. When points are equal or below zero, a notification is shown to the player, game is saved and title menu is shown. When player has enough points (eg, via an in-app purchase or some other game mechanic), they'll be able to load from the last quick save and continue reading.

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using Naninovel;
using Naninovel.Commands;
using Naninovel.UI;
using UniRx.Async;

public class PointsManager : IEngineService
    private IScriptPlayer scriptPlayer;
    private ICustomVariableManager variableManager;
    private IStateManager stateManager;
    private IUIManager uiManager;

    public UniTask InitializeServiceAsync ()
        // Get references to the services we'll need later.
        scriptPlayer = Engine.GetService<IScriptPlayer>();
        variableManager = Engine.GetService<ICustomVariableManager>();
        stateManager = Engine.GetService<IStateManager>();
        uiManager = Engine.GetService<IUIManager>();
        // Register our monitoring method to be invoked before a command is executed.
        return UniTask.CompletedTask;

    public void ResetService () { }

    public void DestroyService ()
        // Un-register the monitoring method when the service is destroyed.

    private async UniTask HandleCommandExecuted (Command command)
        // We care only about the print commands.
        if (!(command is PrintText)) return;
        // Get custom global variable that tracks the points.
        // Don't forget to add it to the predefined variables configuration menu.
        variableManager.TryGetVariableValue<int>("g_points", out var points);
        if (points <= 0) // In case we're out of points:
            // Notify the player and wait until they dismiss the notification.
            var confirmationUI = uiManager.GetUI<IConfirmationUI>();
            await confirmationUI.NotifyAsync("You're out of points and can't continue reading.");
            // Save the game and return to the title menu.
            await stateManager.QuickSaveAsync(); 
            await new ExitToTitle().ExecuteAsync();
        else // In case we have enough points:
            // Consume one point and save the variable.
            points -= 1;
            variableManager.TrySetVariableValue("g_points", points);

To test the above code, just copy-paste it to a new C# script.

Don't forget to add g_points to the predefined variables list and assign the initial value.


To track current value of the variable while playing, use var console command:


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