It was suggested before in the discord, but not pushed further?
but I think an extension that allows 'stats' or variable binded to actors and saved by savefile would be extremely useful.
Example :
RPG stats like HP etc or a Love stats who is binded to the activated actor.
It would be either a dictionary or an array of variables BINDED into the character section that can hold Classic integer, float or string values. (to keep simple )
They have a range specified into the value and is clamped to the max value set)
It would allow to fetch the data and use in IF method (example use: game over if the fear meter is full)
You can access those data by :
Code: Select all
@getData ActorName StatesNameOrId
It can also be set
Code: Select all
@setData ActorName StateNameOrId Additive? value
Additive : wether or not the value is set or Add to the existing value (could be shorten by += for additive or + for set)
i.e : @setData ActorName StateName += 10
also adding ++ could do incremental increase by 1)
Why these features?
Having custom Metadata for actor is something that Would help greatly to implement custom variable specific to the actors without cluttering the files or global space. VN maker have this features and it is VERY useful for make multiple type of game.