UI screen wIndow is cut off

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Joined: 06 Dec 2023 22:08

UI screen wIndow is cut off

Post by seitengames »

I have a problem with my VN that height and width of images and video are slightly cut off. All my media are 3200x1800, but also tested with 1920x1080 background image which correspond to default settings, so regarding reference resolution it should be fine. Any idea maybe there are certain default borders in the plugin settings that I don't know?

I'm quite new to Unity, though checked all naninovel docs and didn't find solution so far.


original image:


And here is cut image - as you can see on left side building was cut off and on top per character hair.


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Joined: 11 May 2020 18:03

Re: UI screen wIndow is cut off

Post by Elringus »

This is probably due to aspect ratio mismatch and background matching mode. Check the docs for more info: https://naninovel.com/guide/backgrounds#match-mode

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