Highlight characters

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Highlight characters

Post by Alatriste »


I'm having some troubles understanding the way to highlight the talking character in the scene. No matter what I try, my characters in the scene are always with the normal color and no tint is applied to make them darker when they are not talking. (This is how it used to work in older versions).

I set the parameters in the Default Metadata (which I understand applies to all characters), and I also tried individually but didn't work. What am I missing?


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Re: Highlight characters

Post by idaot »

At least in the screenshot, you'll need to have two Shared Poses (Talking and Default) and tick the Tint Color property and set the color accordingly.

The demo example project has an example where both n and k characters have a highlight effect when talking: https://naninovel.com/guide/getting-sta ... mo-project

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Re: Highlight characters

Post by Alatriste »

Hi, thanks for the reply but I still have some troubles to make this thing work. I have been using for a couple years an older version of NN where highlight was done in a simpler way, and I cannot figure out yet how this "new" way works.

I have downloaded the demo, and I saw the setup. When I try to do the same in my own project, it doesn't work. Then I tried to add the character into the NN demo and put her in the scene. She doesn't show up either. I need some orientation here, please!

This is the demo code I tweaked ("r" is the name of the character I added. I would expect the character to be displayed as well, but only "n" and "k" show up in the scene :

Code: Select all

# Kohaku
@char n.Default
@char r.Default
@char k look:right pos:25 time:0

What am I missing?


Posts: 11
Joined: 13 Aug 2023 21:38

Re: Highlight characters

Post by Alatriste »

Found the problem. The alpha channel by default is 0. Set it up to 255 and will be fixed.
I think this should be added to the documentation as it's easy to miss.

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