Hello, I've been making my own point and click adventure game in Naninovel, and ran into a bit of a massive issue. I've designed the game around loading Scene environments for each room of a spaceship, and although I have the loading correctly between labels my issue is how Naninovel loads the saves. From my own research on the forums Naninovel doesn't actually save Scenes when you use the @Loadscene command, and since my game is built around this it's become a serious problem that I needed help with.
My main question is: How do I get Naninovel to remember the scene in a save and load back into the game into it?
For reference my code for the rooms is formatted like this in the labels:
Label# Bathroom (label just for formatting on this forum)
@loadScene Bathroom additive:true if:{activeScene}!=Bathroom
@unloadScene {activeScene} if:{activeScene}!=Bathroom
@set activeScene="Bathroom"
@toast "Bathroom" time:3
To test I had made a save at this point where a room was loaded. If the game had loaded from the label it would have had a chance to load the scene, but it gets confused and just keeps the scene loaded from the menu. When you roll back just one click it reloads but I have rollback disabled since I didn't want players constantly reloading scenes. Is there a way to change the loading to include my {activeScene} variable to load on load?