I couldn't find a way to print the log to console directly from Naniscript, so I created it.
You can select the type of log to output and use it with a script expression to increase its utilization.
Code: Select all
using Naninovel;
using Naninovel.Commands;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// print Logs provided text
/// </summary>
public class PrintLogCommand : Command
/// <summary>
/// Content for logging
/// </summary>
[RequiredParameter, NamelessParameterAlias]
public StringParameter content;
/// <summary>
/// log type
/// 0: log 1:logWarning, 2:LogError, 3: throw new exception and stop playing
/// </summary>
public IntengerParameter logType;
public override UniTask ExecuteAsync (AsyncToken asyncToken = default)
if (!TypeValueIsInRange()) throw new Exception(nameof(logType), $"Provided logType {logType} is out of range!");
case 0: Debug.Log(content); break;
case 1: Debug.LogWarning(content); break;
case 2: Debug.LogError(content); break;
case 3: throw new System.NotImplementedException(content); break;
else Debug.Log(content);
return UniTask.CompletedTask;
protected virtual bool TypeValueIsInRange() => (logType <= 3 || logType >= 0) ? true : false;
How to use (example)
Code: Select all
;Logs a simple "Hello World" text
@printLog "Hello World"
;gives random demage, if player's HP is lower than 0, throws Exception
@set HP=8
@set attackPower=Random(1, 20)
@set deffencePower=1
hades:Take my sword! YEEEE HYAA!!!!
@set HP=deffencePower-attackPower
@if HP < 0
@printLog "Error!! Player Hp is lower than 0!" type:3