Character setup when working with numerous poses and visual appearances

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Character setup when working with numerous poses and visual appearances

Post by sidegroup »

I'm getting used to the basics of using Naninovel and would appreciate some help.
For a demo project I'm porting a game I made in another visual novel engine over to Naninovel.
In this game, some characters have many appearances and poses / expressions.
In other engines I've usually been able to house these various sprites for different appearances under the same Character object, but I'm struggling to do this in Naninovel.
Part of my confusion comes from wanting to also implement a talking sprite when characters are speaking.
I'm attaching an example image of a Character setup in which I've imported four sprites for one character in a scene; a neutral portrait, a neutral talking portrait, a sad portrait, and a sad talking portrait.
I've created two 'poses'; 'port' (potrait), and 'talk'. I'm unclear if I would need more or less poses. I think a lot of my confusion comes from seeing that 'Speaking Pose' also only has one slot for an image name. How would I implement the sad talking sprite if the image listed in that slot is the neutral talking sprite?
Maybe I'm vastly overthinking all of this, and it's possible I should just be creating a different 'Character' for every appearance every character has, in which case only having one slot for these things make sense, but if not I would love to have an explanation. I may also just be really off track here. If so, apologies.
Thank you for your time. :)


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Re: Character setup when working with numerous poses and visual appearances

Post by idaot »

For characters with multiple talking sprites I suggest using Layered characters instead. Layered Characters have a On Speaking Started and On Stopped Speaking Unity events which can be used to swap out the sprites in Sprite Renderers with their talking versions.

Posts: 2
Joined: 20 Mar 2022 07:59

Re: Character setup when working with numerous poses and visual appearances

Post by sidegroup »

I'll take a look at layered characters- thanks so much for the push in that direction!

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