C# Script Naninovel Command Template

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C# Script Naninovel Command Template

Post by Restush »

This code will add C# Script Template for Naninovel Command, so you don't need to rename it again.

This is a script editor. You may edit private cons string template for the target template. In my case, I put in #Game folder. You can also add another template by copy the method and paste below it.

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using UnityEditor;

public class CreateNewScriptClassFromCustomTemplate
    private const string template = "Assets/#Game/NovelCommand.cs.txt";

    [MenuItem(itemName: "Assets/Create/C# Script Novel Command Template", isValidateFunction: false, priority: 51)]
    public static void Template()
        ProjectWindowUtil.CreateScriptAssetFromTemplateFile(template, "YourDefaultNewScriptName.cs");

This is the NovelCommand.cs.txt. Put it to your template folder, in my case, I put in #Game folder.
You may remove using System.Linq if you don't use them. Well, I added it because I found Linq mostly inside Naninovel and also really useful for sorting collection like List<T>.

Code: Select all

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UniRx.Async;
using UnityEngine;
using Naninovel;
using Naninovel.Commands;
using Naninovel.UI;

public class #SCRIPTNAME# : Command
    public override async UniTask ExecuteAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
         //Do your stuff here
         await UniTask.CompletedTask;
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