[GUIDE] Getting started with custom UIs

Posted: 13 May 2020 20:22
by Elringus

Never worked with uGUI before and looking for something to get started?

First, check Naninovel's UI customization guide (namely, videos and example project): https://naninovel.com/guide/user-interf ... tomization

Then continue with other non Naninovel-specific tutorials on Unity's GUI system. You can find plenty created by the community (check YouTube!) or pick an official course from the Unity's learning portal: https://unity.com/learn

If you'll stumble upon a Naninovel-specific issue, feel free to ask other users here or contact me on discord: https://naninovel.com/support/#developer-support

Re: [GUIDE] Getting started with custom UIs

Posted: 13 May 2020 20:32
by Elringus

Know a good article/tutorial/course on Unity's UI? Let us know in this topic!